
Thursday, November 20, 2014

WWE Survivor Series Predictions!!!

Welcome to another edition of's official WWE PPV predictions, with me, Justin Ballard, and my associate Dan Moore.  This month marks the 28th annual Survivor Series, which is the company's second-oldest PPV event.

As detailed in my History of WWE Survivor Series series, this event has a rich, but wildly inconsistent past.  Some years the show was near-perfect, others it was near-vomit-inducing.
The 2014 incarnation is shaping up to be somewhere in the middle.  For the first time in nine years we'll have a traditional elimination match as the main event.  Unfortunately we won't be seeing the WWE Champion wrestle, as WWE has bafflingly chosen to let Brock Lesnar sit at home for four months until January, when he'll fight John Cena for the thousandth time.

This PPV is being given away for free, and it sure feels like Creative has that in mind, meaning they're just going through the motions since WWE isn't making any money on this show.  What they should be doing is stacking the hell out of this card so all the additional viewers get instantly hooked and can't wait to shell out $9.99 for next month's PPV.  But no, Vince's strategy since WCW folded has always been to trick people into liking his product, rather than consistently presenting a can't-miss show.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

For Those About to Rock: Part 3

Part 3 of Michael Drinan's look at this years Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame ballot!

Welcome to the final installment of “For Those About to Rock”!  I tackle the final five nominees on this year’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame ballot and will give my final predictions on who will get in this year!  Feel free to respond and give your predictions as well!  Enjoy...

The Spinners - Mostly what I wrote about for The Marvelettes in Part 2 can be said for The Spinners.  Okay, sure, they had their share of hits.  “Could It Be I’m Falling in Love” is such a great, timeless song without question, but what did they do?  The answer: nothing!  They followed the traditional doo-wop formula and rode the coattails of the successful Motown groups of the 60s and 70s.  Sure, they were well respected, but commercially they weren’t a success.  You want to know how you can tell this group is unremarkable?  They’ve been eligible for the hall of fame since 1986, and the first nomination they ever received was in 2012.  They had been put off for 26 years!  Why does that make them worthy now?  As is the case with The Marvelettes, we don’t need to induct every single Motown artist into the hall of fame.  No one is going to lose sleep over The Spinners not being inducted.