
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wrestling March Madness - Round 2: Heyman Region

Well it's that time again - closing out Round 2 of the Wrestling March Madness tournament!

First the results from the Crockett Region:

Ric Flair defeats Mr. Perfect
Shawn Michaels defeats Ricky Steamboat
Ultimate Warrior defeats Sting
John Cena defeats Owen Hart

Now let's take a look at the Heyman bracket:

Heyman Bracket: Round 2

Randy Orton (2) vs. Booker T (10)

Chris Jericho (6) vs. Randy Savage (3)

Brock Lesnar (4) vs. Mankind (5)

Andre the Giant (8) vs. Triple H (1)

You know the deal - vote in the Comments section below!  Check back on Thursday for the Sweet Sixteen round!

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