
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

WWE No Mercy 2017 Preview & Predictions

Wow, it feels like SummerSlam was forever ago, even though it's only been five weeks.  I guess that's what happens when WWE doesn't have four PPVs a month...

This Sunday is No Mercy, which for some reason was moved up a month and changed to a RAW PPV.  I don't get the schedule shuffling they're doing this year.  Hell in a Cell is now Smackdown-only, TLC is now RAW-only, Starrcade is coming back as a Smackdown televised house show essentially.  It's just super confusing.  Whatever...

This show is pretty stacked.  In fact they're giving away two WrestleMania-worthy matches.  On a B-PPV.  I don't get it.  They should both be something special though.  I suppose WWE programming is way more enjoyable when you don't think about it.  On with the picks...

***I'm in the lead with 46/67 (69%), Landon's in second with 36/55 (65%), Dave's third with 21/33 (64%), and Dan's bringing up the rear with 39/67 (58%)***

Cruiserweight Championship: Neville vs. Enzo Amore

I mean, Enzo?  Really?  I get that he qualifies for a Cruiserweight, but technically so do I.  And I wouldn't watch me fight in the Cruiserweight division.  Enzo is literally all talk.  He's good on the mic, stinks in the ring.  'The hell is he gonna do in a Cruiserweight match?  No wonder nobody takes this division seriously.  Enzo has no business winning this.

Justin: Neville retains
Dan: Enzo SUCKS. I don't even like his mic work. He tries to come up with funny shit, but it's cringe-worthy comedy. Neville better effin' retain.
Landon: I DARE them to just kill the division dead. They killed ECW, they can kill cruiserweights. Neville retains, I hope.
Dave: Neville. Enzo has been annoying since he's been in WWE.

Intercontinental Championship: The Miz vs. Jason Jordan

Poor Jason.  He had such potential, particularly as part of American Alpha.  But WWE "creative" decided to split up that great team and put Jason on RAW as Kurt Angle's son.  And literally no one cared.  Therefore WWE doubled down on this stupid move and kept running with it, rather than just letting it fade away.  I can't see them giving Jordan a PPV Title match here if he isn't winning it.  But it's too early.

Justin: Jordan wins and everyone gets pissed.  Maybe he'll make a good heel as a result.
Landon: Let it ride. Jordan to be pushed into burning out, then wondering why it didn't work.
Dave: I'm rooting for the Miz but I think he's gonna lose which is pointless.

Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt

I don't know why this feud is continuing, especially in another regular match.  We already saw The Demon at SummerSlam, so anything less than that is a step backward.  I'm guessing the story will be that Finn can't get the job done without being in Demon form.  Meh...the match will be fine but I don't care.

Justin: Bray wins
Dan: Finn for the winn
Landon: Wyatt
Dave: Man, I don't care.  Bray I guess.

RAW Women's Championship 5-Way: Alexa Bliss vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax. vs. Bayley vs. Emma

So Sasha won the belt at SummerSlam in a pretty good match, then lost it right back a week later.  Goddamn pointless.  It's the reverse of last year, when she would win the belt on RAW but lose it at the next PPV.  Shit or get off the pot, guys.  This was supposed to be another singles match between Alexa and Sasha but they changed it to a schmozz for some reason.  Whatever, these constant title changes are grating on my last nerve (Of course the one belt I WANT to change hands is still on Jobber Mahal).  Alexa should keep it so Asuka can murder her in November.

Justin: Alexa retains
Dan: I don't care. Alexa.
Dave: Alexa

RAW Tag Team Championship: Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs. Cesaro & Sheamus

This match was a lot of fun at SummerSlam and should be again this time.  I hope they aren't just gonna have Rollins & Ambrose drop the titles already.  That would be a big fat waste of time.  Let them hold on for a while, and either turn Ambrose heel later or reunite The Shield.  This should be one of the best matches of the night.

Justin: R&A retain
Dan: Yup
Landon: Rollins and Ambrose
Dave: R&A

John Cena vs. Roman Reigns

This is obviously the most intriguing match on the card, since we've never seen it and it was once rumored as a WrestleMania bout.  And it still should be.  I do not understand why they're giving it away at No Mercy instead.  But the buildup has certainly been memorable, and it's very likely to steal the show.  I'm actually baffled that Vince has allowed Cena to go on TV week after week and point out how unworthy Reigns is of his spot, particularly as relates to his pretty terrible promo abilities.  A smart promoter might, say, HIDE Reigns' weaknesses, but Vince has been strangely accentuating them.  Still it's been satisfying to watch Cena talk circles around Roman, and revealing just how out of his depth Roman is in this area.  This'll be one of the few times where I'll be fully rooting for Cena to win.  But I don't think he will.  There have been rumors that The Undertaker was unsatisfied with his 'Mania performance and wants another match, this time against Cena.  Personally I think he needs to leave well enough alone and be happy with the sendoff he got.  For fuck's sake.  I'm just not terribly interested in Taker vs. Cena.  But it's possible we see him get involved here.

Justin: Regardless I think Reigns wins
Dan: Reigns HAS to win here, right?
Landon: Roman
Dave: Reigns

WWE Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman

Another match I desperately wish they'd save for WrestleMania, since it's WAY more interesting to me than Brock-Roman II.  Strowman is so much more over than Reigns right now, I cannot figure out why they don't go with him as The Next Guy.  This match should be a brutal goddamn car wreck and a helluva main event.  At this point the smart money is on Lesnar retaining till April.

Justin: Brock retains
Dan: Yes.
Landon: Brock retains, but this'll be the equivalent of the IWGP tag title matches; ridiculous, mindless carnage.
Dave: Brock, but his reign needs to end soon.

Well that's the lineup.  Looks pretty good, particularly at the top of the card.  Let's hope they throw together something memorable.

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