
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

WWE TLC 2017 Preview & Predictions

It's been two weeks, and that means it's time for ANOTHER WWE PPV.  They should just cancel RAW & Smackdown and have weekly PPVs like TNA used to.  That worked out well, right?

This year's TLC is a very thin lineup, with the Universal Champ missing and only the bottom two RAW titles on the line.  But it's built almost entirely around the long-awaited Shield reunion, which WWE has already managed to turn into a clusterfuck.  I say this all the time, but WWE could fuck up a bowl of cereal.  WWE could fuck up a second-grade math quiz.  WWE could fuck up flicking on a light switch.  But let's get to the predictions....

***I'm in the lead with 57/82 (69.5%), Landon's in second with 46/70 (66%), Dave's got 31/48 (64.5%), and Dan's at 49/82 (60%).***

Pre-Show Match: Sasha Banks vs. Alicia Fox

This is one of three women's matches on the show, which is a cool thing.  Sadly this one doesn't matter much and seems to be something for Sasha to do.  It'll be short and forgettable.  If anyone not named Sasha wins I'll be shocked.

Justin: Sasha
Dan: Sure
Landon: Sasha
Dave: Sasha

Brian Kendrick & Jack Gallagher vs. Cedric Alexander & Rich Swann

This match was added to fill time.  It'll get stuck just before the main event so as to garner the weakest possible crowd reaction.  Wouldn't want anyone to care about 205 Live, would we?  I really like Gallagher too.  His style is fluid and unique, and he's funny on top of that.  But this company simply does not care about the Cruiserweights.  Because bigger is betterer....

Justin: Kendrick & Gallagher I guess
Dan: Much like WWE doesn't care about the Cruiserweights, neither do I.  I'll take the other guys.
Landon: Kendrick & Gallagher
Dave: I have no clue who any of these guys are.  Kendrick & Gallagher.  Jesus....

Cruiserweight Championship: Kalisto vs. Enzo Amore

All the pointless title changes are making me insane.  They put the belt on Enzo (at the expense of Neville leaving the company), just to turn him heel and make him the "anti-Cruiser," which actually came off pretty well.  Then two weeks later they had him lose it to Kalisto, and I'm fairly certain he wins it back here.  Either that or they did this "division-killing" angle and then abandoned it almost immediately.  Is Vince Russo back?

Justin: Enzo regains the strap
Dan: I guess Enzo.  I don't understand his appeal anymore.  He bores me.
Landon: Fuck me.  Enzo.
Dave: Why push Enzo as a heel and not have him win it back?  Enzo.

Women's Championship: Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James

This should be a fine contest.  Mickie is awesome and can have a good match with anyone, Alexa is always improving in the ring and has some of the best character work in the entire company.  This will be one of the best matches on the show, easily.  And since there are only six matches on the PPV proper, this should get some time.  I'd probably open the show with this one.

Justin: Alexa retains
Dan: Mickie
Landon: Alexa keeps the belt warm for Asuka
Dave: Bliss

The Demon King vs. Sister Abigail

So we have two guys in Halloween costumes fighting each other.  This feud is just so....odd.  It's hokey and silly, but on the other hand you kinda have to respect the balls it took to present it at all.  And Wyatt's willingness to run with it.  I dunno how good the match will be, or if it will be any different than simply having Balor vs. Wyatt without the character frills.  But it should be memorable, at the very least on a trainwreck level.

Justin: Abigail.  I can't imagine they're debuting Wyatt's new character just to have (s)him lose.
Dan: Dude...WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? So Wyatt is Sister Abigail? This makes NO SENSE. I think Finn has to win here so he can move up to bigger and better things.
Landon: Can Finn just fucking kill this feud already?  I guess Finn, just to put a nail in the coffin of this feud, and Wyatt's career.
Dave: Really, do I have to pick?  Balor, but I'm sure Wyatt'll win.

Asuka vs. Emma

This might be the one thing I'm most looking forward to on this show.  God I love Asuka.  NXT booked her to absolute perfection, and if the main roster team just does EXACTLY what NXT did, they can't go wrong.  But see what I said above regarding what WWE could fuck up.  Still, this will be a great moment, and poetically Asuka is facing the same opponent she faced in her first NXT Takeover special, Emma.  That match two years ago was excellent, so hopefully this will be too.  However I'd also make this far more one-sided.  Asuka should Goldberg her way through the women's roster for several months before winning the title, and she should keep it for at least a year.  They have something truly special with her.

Justin: Asuka obviously
Dan: YUP
Landon: And tonight will be the one night they don't screw Asuka up.  All downhill from here.  Asuka.
Dave: Asuka

TLC Match: The Shield vs. Braun Strowman/The Miz/Kane/The Bar

I talked a bit HERE about how stupid it is that this match is now 5-on-3.  What in the hell does the team of Braun/Cesaro/Sheamus need with Miz or Kane?  Can't we just have a regular six-man TLC match?  What are the two odd men supposed to do while the other six are fighting?  Is there any suspense whatsoever around The Shield winning their first reunion match?  How lame does the 5-man team look when they lose a No DQ match to three guys?  I mean as a car crash main event this will be fine, but why does WWE have to load it up with excess fat when a streamlined match would be so much more effective?

Justin: If the Shield doesn't win here I guess I don't understand wrestling anymore
Dan: Dude.  Come on.
Landon: SHIELD
Dave: Clearly the Shield

Well that's the lineup.  What an odd PPV this is.  Almost seems like WWE forgot there was an extra show in October and they scrambled to fill it.  "Oh shit, we need something here....ummmm, Shield reunion!  Done and done!"

Anyway, enjoy the show, comment below, and join our Facebook group HERE!

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