
Thursday, February 14, 2019

WWE Elimination Chamber 2019 Preview & Predictions

It's been three weeks since the Rumble, so that means it's time for another WWE PPV!  We're in the thick of WrestleMania season, when a few of the big matches for April are starting to become clearer.  This Sunday it's the return of Elimination Chamber!

Like 2018, this year's edition has two Chambers, one for the men and one for the women.  But the women's match this time has a wrinkle, as it's to crown the first set of Women's Tag Team Champions, a title that hasn't existed in roughly thirty years (Remember how awesome the Jumping Bomb Angels were?).  Aside from the two Chamber bouts, this show is fairly thin, but at least it won't be five hours, for Chrissake.  Let's get to it...

***I'm ahead with 69% (83/120), Dave is second with 66% (79/120), and Dan and Landon are tied with 65% (78/120).***

Pre-Show Cruiserweight Championship: Buddy Murphy vs. Akira Tozawa

For the first time I'm actually a little sad the CW match got bumped.  Buddy and his, well, buddies on 205 Live have been killing it lately.  This should be no exception, as both guys can go.  I gotta stick with Buddy to retain here since it is on the pre-show.  Maybe someday they'll get a high-profile enough match to have a meaningful title change.

Justin: Buddy retains
Dan: Yeah
Landon: Buddy
Dave: Buddy

Intercontinental Championship: Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush vs. Finn Balor

I hate handicap matches, you should all know this by now.  But I like Finn Balor.  Finn should finally win some goddamn main roster gold; he's only had a title on RAW for one day.  This could be decent.  Finn has been working his ass off lately, Lashley is much, much better as a heel, and Lio Rush is talented.  But Finn needs this.

Justin: Finn gets the pin to win that piece of tin.
Dan: I think Lashley holds it here to lose it to Balor at 'Mania
Landon: Christ almighty.  Finn.
Dave: Let's go Finn

Smackdown Tag Team Championship: Shane & The Miz vs. The Usos

Christ, this is where we're at now?  Shane gets a PPV match every month?  We all know this is building to Shane-Miz at 'Mania, but since Fastlane stands between this show and that one, Shane & Mike ain't losing yet.

Justin: The champs retain
Dan: They almost have to.
Landon: Usos
Dave: The champs, but come on, this is ridiculous.

Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin

Fucking Christ on a stick, why are we STILL being subjected to Baron Corbin matches?  Stop trying to make "fetch" happen with this chode.  He stinks.  I have zero interest in this piss break.

Justin: Strowman wins a mercifully short match and moves on to his eventual 'Mania opponent (No idea who that might be).
Dan: I think Corbin wins here with help from Drew, setting up Braun vs. Drew.
Landon: Fucking what?  Strowman.
Dave: Strowman

RAW Women's Championship: Ronda Rousey vs. Ruby Riott

This could be alright.  Ruby is no Charlotte but she can work a solid match and she's got enough natural heel charisma to make this entertaining.  Ronda is good when she's prepped, and she always is for PPVs.  There's of course zero suspense about this one but I assume Ruby's pals will interfere copiously.

Justin: Ronda retains
Dan: Of course
Landon: Ronda
Dave: Rousey

Women's Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber: Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. Nia Jax & Tamina vs. Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs. Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan vs. Naomi & Carmella vs. The IIconics

Alright, I was excited about this idea until the buildup was horrendous.  First off, the RAW side totally overwhelms the SD side.  Literally no team from SD should have a chance here.  Second, the free TV matches they've held to hype this were booked all wrong (and Sasha was injured so that didn't help).  This match HAS to come down to Nia & Tamina vs. Sasha & Bayley.  These are the only two acceptable teams to be the first champs.  Either one would be solid - Nia and Tamina could be the monster heel tag champs that get chased for a while, Sasha and Bayley could be the accomplished ring veteran babyface champs.  I'm gonna go with the latter.

Justin: Sasha & Bayley
Dan: I concur
Landon: Sasha and Bayley
Dave: Nia & Tamina

WWE Championship Elimination Chamber: Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton vs. Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston

Poor Mustafa Ali got taken out of this match with a concussion, but that could conceivably lead to a prominent 'Mania match with Orton since he'll likely be the storyline reason for it.  Kofi is, shall we say, a very odd choice to replace Ali, but he should provide some wild high spots.  My pick would've been Nakamura so Bryan, AJ and Nak could all be in the same match, but whatever.  This should easily be the Match of the Night with the talent involved, and holy shit, the WWE Title is actually headlining a PPV!  Should be a helluva Chamber.

Justin: Bryan retains.  No idea who he's getting at 'Mania but it better be someone great.
Dan: Yup
Landon: Bryan
Dave: I'm pulling for Joe, but the Champ retains

There's the lineup - rather a modest PPV offering, but a three-hour WWE show would actually be refreshing at this point.  Enjoy!

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