
Thursday, December 12, 2019

WWE TLC 2019 Preview & Predictions

It's time once again to predict a WWE PPV that the company has deemed unworthy of announcing a full lineup ahead of time.  This Sunday is the annual Tables, Ladders & Chairs event, and we have a terribly underwhelming seven matches announced three days out.  Missing are several of the company's top stars, such as Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio, Bayley, and others.  I don't understand what this company is doing anymore.

So yeah, just like with Hell in a Cell two months ago, WWE is taking for granted that their audience will watch a minor PPV event sight-partly-unseen.  Seven matches is better than three, but how hard is it to plan three weeks of television so that the entire card can be made clear by the final week?  I'm assuming the obvious Rollins-Owens match isn't happening yet, even though it's been set up already.  Kinda like Roman vs. Bryan should've happened at either SummerSlam or Clash of Champions.  The way this company works I fully expect Rollins and Owens to be teaming together in two months...

Let's get this over with.

Aleister Black vs. Buddy Murphy

After six-plus months of literally doing nothing with the guy, they're finally giving Aleister a goddamn PPV match.  And it's against a more-than-capable opponent, so I expect good things out of this.  'Course they'll probably end up bumping it to the pre-show just to piss me off.  But as of now this is one of three matches I'm interested in.

Pick: Black obviously wins this

Tables Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Rusev

Jeezus H. Christ do I not give a shit about this.  WWE should just stop doing love triangle-type angles; I'm pretty sure the only good one ever was Triple H-Steph-Angle, which still ended badly.  This feud has been full of nonsensical crap, like Lashley being arrested after Rusev violated his restraining order.  On top of all that, Tables Matches are dumb.

Pick: I hope it's Rusev so this nonsense can finally end.  It's been what, three months?

RAW Tag Team Championship: Viking Raiders vs. ?????

It's an open challenge, and the smart money is apparently on Anderson & Gallows being the mystery team.  Eh, that pairing doesn't blow my skirt up.  The Raiders should keep the belts regardless and build to a feud with AOP.

Pick: Viking Raiders retain

Smackdown Tag Team Championship: New Day vs. The Revival

The second match I'm interested in, this should be a fine contest.  I'm still hoping Dash & Dawson skidaddle in four months when their contracts are up, as AEW could do great things with them.  New Day probably keep the titles here.

Pick: New Day retain

Bray Wyatt vs. The Miz

This is weak.  And the red light nonsense will make it virtually unwatchable.  And the title's not on the line.  Who cares?  Four minutes and out.

Pick: Wyatt

TLC Match: Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin

Another big match I don't care about.  I don't need to see Corbin wrestle ever again, I really don't.  This better not close the show.  Roman will work hard and there will be enough plunder to overcome the shortcomings, but I don't expect much from this at all.

Pick: Roman

TLC Women's Tag Team Championship: Kabuki Warriors vs. Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair

This needs to be the main event, as it's a title match, it's got Becky in it, and it's basically guaranteed to be the match of the night.  Plus it echoes last year's TLC main event.  The word is they're setting up Becky vs. Asuka at the Rumble in a rematch from last year, so Becky can get her win back.  Which means Asuka and Kairi should retain the belts here.  No sense in having Becky be a champion in two divisions really, unless it's short-term.

Pick: Kabuki Warriors retain

Yeah, so I'm probably just gonna read the results and decide which matches are worth checking out.  I can't see much point in watching this whole show live, there's simply not enough going on, unless they announce some big additions in the next 24 hours.  Is this what WWE PPVs have devolved into?

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