
Thursday, May 13, 2021

WWE WrestleMania Backlash Preview & Predictions

It's the first PPV after WrestleMania, and therefore the events of WrestleMania will result in a backlash of sorts.  A backlash to WrestleMania.  A WrestleMania Backlash, if you will....

What a goofy title for this show.  Yeah, Backlash has traditionally been the first PPV after 'Mania, featuring at least a few matches that are either a direct repeat of or born out of matches that took place at 'Mania.  We didn't need the word "WrestleMania" added to the name.  Anywho, this lineup is shaping up to be quite solid on paper I must say.  Two triple threat matches is a bit much but there are some potentially excellent bouts to be seen on this show.  As per usual these days, WWE hasn't announced the full lineup only three days out from the PPV, so this predictions piece will be incomplete.  But whatever the fuck ever.....

Lumberjack Match: Damian Priest vs. The Miz

Well I'm happy to see that the whole Bad Bunny thing at 'Mania has at least resulted in a focus on Priest.  That's the whole point of a celebrity wrestler - to get more eyes on a full-timer you want to push.  Priest has wrestled Miz and Morrison on RAW the last few weeks but this looks like it could be a blowoff.  Priest needs this win.  Miz does not.

Pick: Damian Priest

Smackdown Tag Team Championship: Bobby Roode & Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey & Dominik Mysterio

Considering Bobby Roode hasn't been on a WWE PPV in like a year I wouldn't be surprised at all to see this get bumped to the pre-show.  But if it makes the main show, good for them.  Given time this is a solid match on paper.  I feel like this feud has been going forever in some form but I could be wrong.  I guess I'll go with the Mysterios to take the gold?

Pick: Rey & Dom

RAW Women's Championship: Rhea Ripley vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair

Okay, first off, whatever Charlotte keeps doing to change her face, she needs to stop.  There was absolutely nothing wrong with it in the first place, why does she keep having work done?  Second, I hope Rhea and Asuka will be on top of their game this time and that Charlotte adds something to the match, so it turns out as good as it looks in theory.  There's a ton of talent in this one, so with enough time it's a potential show stealer.  Rhea should absolutely retain since she just won the title.  And I swear to Christ, if Alexa Bliss shows up and ruins it I'm gonna punch somebody.

Pick: Rhea retains

WWE Championship: Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Braun Strowman

WWE clearly didn't think things through when they had Drew lose so decisively last month, so they tossed this thing together willy-nilly.  Braun is obviously here to eat the pin from someone; there's no way he's winning the title.  But does Drew finally win back the title he got screwed out of or does Bobby continue being dominant?  It's a tough call since there's likely to be a draft soon.  If Drew loses and doesn't get moved to Smackdown he looks weak.  If he wins back the belt that's a safe play.  I guess I'll go with the latter.

Pick: Drew wins back the belt (probably by pinning Strowman)

Smackdown Women's Championship: Bianca Belair vs. Bayley

Bianca stole the show at WrestleMania, delivering in my estimation the best match and the best moment.  Time for her to maybe do it again here with a great showing against Sasha's frenemy.  This one should be pretty great and another feather in Bianca's cap.  Push her to the moon.

Pick: Bianca retains

Universal Championship: Roman Reigns vs. Cesaro

Wow, only took them nine goddamn years to give Cesaro a singles PPV match for one of the big belts.  Why does this company squander talent so badly at every turn?  Anyway, great to see the Swiss Cyborg finally getting some long-overdue recognition.  Sadly I don't think he'll win the title here but this should be a fantastic match.  If Roman does retain I'm not sure who else he could feud with.  Seth, if he turns good I guess?  Or they do a draft and McIntyre moves over?  

Pick: Roman retains again

That's your lineup so far.  Six matches, each with some decent-to-great potential.  The four big title matches should all deliver pretty strongly.  For WWE that's a win.

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